It’s already on Saturday, 17th May when in Krsko and Daugavpils there will be first qualifying rounds to Speedway European Championships series, which starts in July. At first, Ukrainians were supposed to be hosts for one of the round but, because of political situation in this country, it was moved to Daugavpils.
In Latvian tournament Poles: Patryk Dudek and Maciej Janowski are surely the main candidates for a win. It seems that Latvians, who ride in Speedway Best Pairs Cup, and Russians with Aleksandr Loktajew will fight for other places. The name of one rider from Romania is still not confirmed. The riders will be fighting for five places which results in taking part in Challenge in Debrecen.
Starting list - Daugavpils:
1. Josef Franc (Czech Republic)
2. Patryk Dudek (Poland)
3. Eduard Krcmar (Czech Republic)
4. Siergiej Darkin (Russia)
5. Max Dilger (Germany)
6. Kjastas Puodzuks (Latvia)
7. Andrij Kobrin (Ukraine)
8. Aleksandr Loktajew (Russia)
9. Tero Aarnio (Finland)
10. Wiaczesław Giruckis (Latvia)
11. Andrzej Lebiediew (Latvia)
12. Stanisław Mielniczuk (Ukraine)
13. Andriej Kudriaszow (Russia)
14. Maciej Janowski (Poland)
15. Rider from Romania
16. Dennis Andersson (Sweden)
17. Iwan Pleszakow (Latvia)
18. Jewgienij Kostygow (Latvia)
In the second tournament in Krsko, Slovenia, among others the fourth rider of last year SEC series, Dane, Hans Andersen will fight for the qualification. Jurica Pavlic on his track shouldn’t have any problems. It is also worth to mention that 2012 Individual European Champion, Ales Dryml also would like to take part in Speedway European Championships series again. Poland has one representative – Przemyslaw Pawlicki.
Starting list - Krsko:
1. Daniel Nermark (Sweden)
2. Michele Paco Castagna (Italy)
3. Hans Andersen (Denmark)
4. Andrij Karpow (Ukraine)
5. Daniel Gappmaier (Austria)
6. Henry van der Steen (The Netherlands)
7. Aleksander Conda (Slovenia)
8. Mattia Carpanese (Italy)
9. Maksim Bogdanow (Latvia)
10. Matic Voldrih (Slovenia)
11. Christian Hefenbrock (Germany)
12. Norbert Magosi (Hungary)
13. Przemyslaw Pawlicki (Poland)
14. Jurica Pavlic (Croatia)
15. Anders Thomsen (Denmark)
16. Ales Dryml (Czech Republic)
17. Denis Stojs (Slovenia)
18. Maks Gregoric (Slovenia)