Krzysztof Kasprzak, Antonio Lindbäck, and Adrian Miedziński have officially announced their retirements from speedway. The trio, long considered stalwarts of the Speedway Euro Championship, leaves behind impressive legacies.
Max Fricke, Bartłomiej Kowalski, Norbert Magosi, and Kevin Wölbert were the riders awarded wild cards for individual rounds of the TAURON Speedway Euro Championship 2024. Among them, it was the 2016 Junior World Champion, Max Fricke, who delivered the standout performance.
The TAURON Speedway Euro Championship 2024 is done and dusted. How did it stack up statistically? Let’s take a closer look at this year’s competition through the lens of key figures and stats.
Anders Thomsen was the fastest rider during the fourth round of TAURON SEC, held at the Śląski Stadium in Chorzów.
Robert Chmiel recorded the fastest reaction time during the fourth round of TAURON SEC, which took place in Chorzów. The Polish rider showcased his phenomenal reflexs in the second series.
Kacper Woryna took third place during the Grand Finale of the TAURON Speedway Euro Championship 2024, held at the Śląski Stadium in Chorzów. Thanks to his high points tally, the Pole claimed the bronze medal in the Individual European Championships.